(602) 530-6900  |  Location

Feliciano Ordonez Gutierrez And CNA Danae Holt

Daily enrichment

The Adult Day Club at the Dementia Care and Education Campus is specially designed to engage people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Our goal is to help families enrich the care of their loved ones through a variety of stimulating experiences, tailored to their interests and designed to create cognitive engagement — whether it’s painting, dancing, music or exercise. By exploring each person’s unique potential, we have the opportunity to touch hearts and create meaningful moments of joy!

  • Art (painting, clay, woodworking, tactile projects)
  • Music (listening, dancing and creating)
  • Movement (yoga, stretching, courtyard strolls, wheelchair swing)
  • Education (nature, music, culture)
  • Lunch and snacks provided
  • Social worker and nurse on campus

Options available Monday-Friday:
     – 2 days a week
3 days a week
     – 5 days a week