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Assisted Living

Care to meet unique needs

Assisted Living at the Dementia Care and Education Campus offers personalized care in a small home-like setting for people living with all types and stages of dementia. Our residents feel a sense of community and belonging. Compassionate caregivers assist with daily activities and nurture each person’s interests and abilities with art, music, exercise, cooking and more. Doctors, nurses, social workers and dementia educators are always available to meet medication and health needs. Residents enjoy spacious rooms, an onsite chef, housekeeping and salon services, and safe walking paths with lovely views of Camelback Mountain. 

Contact us to take a tour
email assistedliving@dementiacampus.org or call (602) 767-8345

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In their own words

Katie Barwald
★★★★★ Google Review
Our family is forever touched and transformed. The assisted living campus comprised of the most sincerely caring team members provided our dad with a level of care marked by dignity, compassion, a high level of expertise, and truly so much love. His final months were spent doing what he loved most- being surrounded by genuinely good people, making people laugh, exercising-walking hours a day with the most amazing caregivers, enjoying unbelievably delicious meals and a sense of hanging out with good friends--made possible by volunteers. Although our dad's communication was limited, some of his final few phrases he could articulate were "thank you" and "I love you."

Pam Dempsey
★★★★★ Google Review
We feel so blessed and grateful that my husband Harry was cared for with such genuine care, love and kindness. He was one of the first residents to move into assisted living at this beautiful campus. Each caregiver gave him and our family such loving and compassionate care. Life's most difficult journeys can also be the most beautiful! We are forever blessed by the compassionate care and grace from the amazing team at the HOV Dementia campus to help us walk Harry home to heaven!
Thank you for your tender hearts and love! We love each of you!